About the Study

CHOiCE stands for Comparing Health Outcomes in Cancer Experience. The study is funded by the National Cancer Institute and is a survey that asks patients with low-risk thyroid cancer or a possible diagnosis of cancer about their experience choosing a treatment. Participants complete two surveys over a 9-month period. You can complete the study from home on your computer, laptop, tablet, or other smart device.

What is the CHOiCE Study?

CHOiCE stands for Comparing Health Outcomes in Cancer Experience. The study is funded by the National Cancer Institute and is a survey that asks patients with low-risk thyroid cancer or a possible diagnosis of cancer about their experience choosing a treatment. Participants complete two surveys over a 9-month period. This study can be completed from home on your computer, laptop, tablet, or other smart device. We do not recommend taking the survey on your phone. If you choose to use your phone, turn your phone sideways or horizontal for the optimal experience.

Why should I participate?

You can earn $75 by answering questions about yourself on two surveys. Sharing your experiences will help us to improve care for other patients with low-risk thyroid cancer.

What does participation involve?

You will complete two surveys over a 9-month period. The questions will be about your medical history and what health outcomes you considered when making your treatment choice. No extra office visits or appointments are necessary for participation. The CHOiCE study team will contact you when it is time to take the next survey. They will also send you a check after you complete each survey ($30 for completing the first survey and $45 for completing the second survey).

Am I eligible to participate?

People who have been diagnosed with low-risk thyroid cancer or a nodule suspicious for cancer, have access to the internet, have an email address, and are at least 18 years old are eligible to participate. You also must be referred by a healthcare provider that is participating in the CHOiCE study. If you are interested in the study, you should request a brochure from your provider or contact the research study staff.

How do I join the study?

Thank you for your interest. This study is still ongoing, but we have stopped recruiting new patients.

Will I be paid for my time?

If you are eligible for the study, you can earn $75 for completing two surveys: $30 for completing the first survey and $45 for completing the second survey.

How much time will the study take?

You will complete two surveys over a 9-month period. Each survey should take less than 20 minutes to complete.

Will I need to make extra doctor’s visits?

No extra office visits or appointments are necessary for participation.

Are there any risks if I participate in the study?

There are very few risks to participation. We will do everything we can to keep your answers completely private. Your participation will not affect your medical care or how you are treated by your healthcare providers.